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her mother go home without her. I commenced today to read Taylors translation of Faust.

Sunday June 30, 1872. Vaux came last night from Troy and Mary, Marian and Lorry Stoddard came by the Powell. The weather has been very warm for a few days and as it grows hotter I get over my longings to go anywhere and instead thank my stars I am in so comfortable a place. I had a letter from Boughton two or three days ago. He and his wife had been on the Continent for a short trip. He sent me that same notice in the Times which three others have sent me and regrets that [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] my picture is not sold. Thinks I ask too much for it and that English people will not pay large prices for works by strangers. I am a little sorry I had not asked a little less but still I didn't care to sacrifice much on it as I am quite sure to get my price for it in New York next winter. The other picture he says he will send to the Dudley Gallery. He spoke of Avery's being there and of an excursion or two they had made together. He is full of work and has more commissions than he can paint. Gertrude finished a letter to Mrs. Wheeler which I commenced several days ago. I wrote to Boughton telling him I would be willing to sell my "Autumn" for £200 and the "Winter" for £150 and asking him if it would be worth while to write to Raniger to that effect and whether Raniger sold his tunes. It is difficult to transact business so far away and I dislike to bother Boughton who I know is busy.

Tuesday July 12. The weather remains intensely hot. Laura started for her grandfathers (Mr. Tomkins) today. I took her down to the ferry to meet her Aunt Laura, where I saw Mr. Lindsley who told me that the plaster mill at Hillsboro burned last night and that Joe Tompkins will probably come on immediately. I doubt whether they will rebuild the works there. The Tariff is such that they could manufacture the plaster here and cheaply as there and I should not be at all surprised if Joe and his family would all be back here directly.