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We agree that in the country one needs companionship and that time often hangs heavy without it. Took a stroll over above the Steep Rocks and loitered about until after two o'clock when we came home to dinner. Joe Trebly came in in the afternoon and brought a little sketch to show me which he has made recently out at Lanes and which seemed to me an improvement upon his other pictures. Bonyer came in the evening from his summer vacation. I was struck afresh that he is no longer a boy but a young man

Monday Sept. 2. The sun has gone visibly south, the air has been cool and breezy today and the indications of autumn accumulate. I talked with my father in the "shop" today where I was mending Downings trunk on "Duty" and I think we help each other in this way. At least I hope we do. I sent my picture to Mr. Darman today. It goes to my studio where it will be opened and he will see it. I hope he will like it, but I have no guarantee that he will. He knows so little about art that I shall not be surprised if he does not like this picture

Sunday Sept. 8. What a change in the weather. We are in the heats of midsummer again. Yesterday was a close hot day with a thunder shower passing off to the north towards evening. The corn is cut up and some of the trees begin to fade. Last Sunday Vaux and I noticed that the peperidge trees out back of Steep Rocks had begun to turn red. Today there is a breeze but it is a warm day with the mercury at 80°. Had a letter from Schutt this week in answer to one I wrote him. He says his house will be pretty empty by the 15" and even by the 10" if I want to come before. We invited the Churchs here for last Thursday but as they were in N.Y. we heard nothing from them until Saturday They want to come and we shall ask them for Wednesday of this week. I have commenced in letter to 

Transcription Notes:
Vaux = McEntee's brother-in-law 15" = 15th 10" = 10th How do I spell the surname Church with an s at the end?