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sale. I went to see it yesterday but he has withheld his best pictures and yet it is cued up in the papers as one of the greatest collections ever offered here. Derby has hired the Academy for an exhibition and sale of foreign Art and foreign pictures and pouring in in a perfect deluge. There seems no place for us but I hope it will be good for us in some way. I took Gertrude over to Vaux's last evening and then went to the Century where I met a member of Freeman this artist of Rome who has taken a Studio here for the winter. He told me that C.C. Coleman sailed for Europe yesterday. The evening we arrived in New York Fitch invited me to dine with him in company with Gifford, Weston and Mrs. Craven.

Tuesday, Nov. 12" 1872. It has rained all day. We were invited to the wedding of Mr. Robt. Deforest and Miss Johnson at 1 o'clock today but did not go. I received a letter from Selstedt in relation to my picture the "Danger Signal" now in Buffalo. He thinks they may buy it for their Academy but could say nothing definite about it. I wrote him I would sell it to them for $1000 and if he thought it would be to my advantage to leave it there a little longer I would do so. Gertrude and I called at Avery's yesterday. He has just returned from Europe and seemed to have brought home a very poor lot of pictures. We also went up to Goupils to see Jeromes Cleopatra before Caesar. Jerome has the Dramatic talent in a greater degree than the Artistic but I think him a very great man while I do not like his manner of working. His pictures are too elaborate but he never fails to transport me to the age he paints. I walked over to Vaux this evening. Mr. Putnam came in. He told me there was a quiet movement on foot to send a collection of American pictures to the Vienna Exposition. It is expected that Congress will make an appropriation on the opening of the session.

Thursday Nov. 14. Weir gave a dinner in Giffords room to Fitch, Whittredge, Hubbard Gifford and myself after which we all except Fitch went over to Brooklyn to hear Weirs lecture