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had a nice lunch at his house and came home in the afternoon bringing a beautiful bushel of flowers from his green houses for Gertrude. He was very genial and hospitable and we had a nice friendly talk together. I think he is a kind excellent man and he seems much interested in me and glad to be of any service he can. He told me that Boughtons Royal Academy series of three pictures was at Goupils which he liked very much and wanted me to go and see them. On our way down to the studio we stopped in and saw them. I had advised him to buy them telling him I thought the price ($7000) reasonable. When we got there he expressed great satisfaction in them and when he learned that they had been sold to Mr Jessop I think he was a little regretful that he had not secured them. He certainly has very nice feeling and appreciates genuine sentiment. I liked the pictures very much but after all how seldom an artist does a new thing. In analyzing these pictures I see the same face and figure Boughton has painted so many times and ever the same quaint long dress but of a different color and in the gallery I heard a man remarking on this same face. In spite of that I had rather have them than any pictures I have seen for a long time. - I found a letter from Taylor full of troubles and disappointments but of a brave temper. I had a feeling he had been flying from anxieties that would be pretty apt to follow him.

Sunday Dec. 8" 1872. It has rained all day. I have written a long letter to Bayard Taylor, one to Muriel and Gertrude and I have written to Lucy and to Mrs. Emily Williams. I went to see the Doctor this evening about a troublesome tooth which has annoyed me for five days. - the monthly meeting of the Century occurred last night. Thompson