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38 Miss Faithful who addressed the meeting in a most interesting manner. There was a piano solo, a song by Mrs. Van Zandt and at the close of the meeting Nelt Sterling came in with her bonnet and cloak on and sang "Caller Herrin" to a vigorous encore she sang "Dont be Sorrowful darling" and being again called out she sang with great spirit and effect, A man's a man for a' that. Altogether it was a very marked and successful occasion. We met Miss Faithfull again on Sunday evening and had a pleasant talk with her. I also had a chat with Miss Patterson who accompanies her, and whom I met on Thursday in my studio. Miss Ellen Frothingham was also there and we had a very pleasant evening and pure air to breathe. We dined at the Drapers on Sunday and I called on Eastman Johnson. It snowed on Saturday and again severely all day today. I received a letter from Raniger from London today telling me my picture had returned from the Dudley exhibition unsold. Dick Butler & Henry Smith called on me today to get me to send something to the Ladies reception of the Union League on Saturday. Smith seemed rather struck with the picture I am painting Sea from Shore Cape Ann, and remarked that one of these days he would have to get something of mine. I told him to wait until I was dead, perhaps my pictures would be worth more. Gifford dined with us. Knuseman Van Elten called on me. He said he was going to have a sale and leave the county to go back to Holland as he could not make a living here. He regrets it as he likes America and would like to stay. I think that gradually every artist will leave who can get away. Saturday Feb. 1, 1873. The artists fund sale occurred on Tuesday evening last. Major Wilkinson dined with us and he and I attended the sale together. I thought the bidding not very spirited but I have since learned that the members consider it a good sale, and as indicating a reaction in favor of American works. Thursday evening was the first meeting of the new committee on admissions