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wife and daughter. Mr. Skidmore was here with Mr. Hoe two or three weeks ago and looked at my wood interior. He said then he would come again and bring his wife and he intimated to me yesterday that something would come of their visit. After they left Bradford came in with a Mr & Mrs. Hawley who also liked the wood picture and asked my price. I am in hopes of seeing some of these people again, but then it is very uncertain. Maurice came down from home yesterday to make a visit with Nett. Sterling. He and Sara lunched with us. In the evening I attended a private view of Kruseman Van Eltens pictures and [[?]] which he is going to sell and from there Whittridge and I went to the Lotos Club, where we found Eastman Johnson and a number of the artists. There was music & recitations and a rather agreeable time.

Monday Feb. 24. Last night was the coldest of the season. We went up to Mrs. Jays to tea and found it bitterly cold. Maurice came over and took breakfast with us and went home on the morning train. Aldrich called to see me. It has been very cold all day so that we did not go to President Barnards reception and to Eastman Johnsons as we intended.  

Wednesday Mar 5" Last week Mr. Williams of Williams & Everett of Boston came in and I sold him two of my small pictures at low prices. I have also sold Mr. Moore a dealer two and got a commission of four hundred dollars from him. Lydig Suydam came in today and bought my little English cottage for $250 so I feel that I am doing something. On Monday we dined with Gifford in company with George Coale, Fitch, Hubbard [[crossout]]. Coale in attempting to show me how to carve a canvas back duck broke a wine glass and covered Fitch with wine and himself with confusion. Last night we