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45a Sunday March 14" 1872. Monday and Tuesday morning I spent until 11 o'clock at night helping hang Kinsetts pictures in the Academy. It is amazing to see what a quantity of good work he left behind him. The Academy is full. The private view occurred last night and a great many people came. I am in great worry and anxiety on account of my affairs. The season is rapidly passing away and I do not sell much. How I am to get along this summer I have no idea. My fathers affairs are a source of anxiety to me also. Mr. Skeel from whom I got the loan of $4000 on my house when I went to Europe has written me that he wants it but gives me all the time I wish to get it. I have written to the Kingston Savings Bank and received from them last night a blank form of application so I presume I am to have it. I wrote to my father sending him the blank to fill up. I also wrote to Baker about having Alice Sawyer come home with them in May. She is anxious to come and her parents are most anxious to have her. Some Italian has been making an offer of marriage to her and she has had the good sense to reject him which is more than many American girls have. Thursday Mar 20. On Saturday night I went to the club and made an arrangement with Mr. Blackburn to have his wife drive with us on Monday and take her to Brooklyn to the Reception of the Art Society as he was invited to dine with the committee. Accordingly she came and I escorted her there. The Reception was a great success. They had their two fine rooms and the Academy opening together and such crowds of people I never saw on a like occasion. They had many fine pictures. I sent my Sea from Shore. Wednesday evening Mr. & Mrs. Blackburn dined with us and seemed to enjoy the quiet occasion very much. They have been feted as much and seen so much of the formal side of New York life that I was glad to show them how one of the artists lives. He seemed thoroughly to enjoy the evening and thought we lived an artistic life
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