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any other place to me. I made a sketch in the house today for a picture I am contemplating but it was not very successful.

Tuesday July 1. 1873. It rained a little today but not half enough. The country is dried up. Downing and Jerry Radford left this morning.  Downing is going to the Adirondacs with Mr. Brace's family for a month or six weeks. We were all sorry to have him go he is such a favorite here.

Wednesday 2.  Brayer and I took a walk along the Kingston Creek from the bridge down below Shufeldts. It was intensely hot. Coming home we passed the circus which had just arrived and there was great excitement among the country people. Gertrude received a telegram from Alice Sawyer announcing her safe arrival from Europe. Sara received a letter from Mary Gifford telling her that Sanford had come up for the summer. Hiram Powers died in Florence about a week ago. The last letter I had from Bayard Taylor he said Powers looked as though he would not live long. 

Thursday 3. Mary came from N.Y. today bringing Jeannette Hubbard with her who has just returned from Europe with Alice Sawyer. In the evening Calvert came and Girard, Fred Stedman and Harry Harris.

Friday 4. We went on a family pic nic out to the Fifth Binnewater. Fred Norton had put up a tent on the shore in a shady place where we had our dinner and we had a most charming time. There was a heavy shower on our way out but we managed to get under cover. Calvert had an attack of chills & fever and could not go.

Saturday 5. The weather continues extremely hot and although I feel a strong impulse to be at work out of doors it is too hot to do any thing unless we could be somewhere along a mountain stream. Mr. Sawyer and Alice came up this evening by the Powell. 

Monday 7. Sunday and today have been cool and delightful. The papers bring accounts of heavy storms and floods in the 

Transcription Notes:
NY=new york