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warm days. I remained in my room nearly all day and read "Le Mandit".  

Tuesday 15. It has been very hot today. Lillie Wilkinson came by the day boat for a visit of a few days. I wrote to Gertrude and sent it.

Wednesday July 16. We went on an informal picnic today out to Leggs Mills. My farther, Mary, Sara Lillie Wilkinson and Manair in one wagon, Lillie McEntee, Nannie, Miss Main and Bowyer in another, and Fred Stedman Dwight and I in the little wagon. We had intended to go on the nice above Steep Rocks but the wind blew so from the north we changed our plans and luckily, for we found this a charming place, with nice shade, boats on the creek and the people very accommodating. We spent a delightful day as all acknowledged. When we reached reached home we found my mothers sisters Aunt Hannah Aunt Esther and Aunt Ann whom she had invited up to spend the day. I noticed that Aunt Hannah had grown visibly older and very feeble. Gifford drove up while they were at dinner, come to ask me to go along with him to the Thousand Islands and from there wherever our inclination led us. He came very unexpectedly. Robt Wilkinson had some business in Kingston and Gifford came down with him. He was here only about half an hour He had previously written to me and I received the letter when I got home. I have answered that if he settles down to sketch I will probably join him. I also received a letter from Gertrude who isn't at all well. I am troubled about her health. A letter came from sellick telling me that he had attended to the two little pictures as directed.

Thursday 17. Fred Stedman went back to town today his vacation being ended. He is a nice young fellow and has endeared himself to all of us. Will Radford came up in the Powell to fill his place as [[chrmn?]] for Bowyer. I wrote to Gertrude this evening. It has threatened rain all day and finally about 9' oclock we had a thunder shower although it has been quite cool all day.

Friday 18. Mary received a letter from Downing. He and Loring Brace had made the journey from Long Lake to Placid lake

Transcription Notes:
"Bowyer" = "Bryer"? Chrmn = Chairman T[[?]] = Turin? Troy? Lake, as in Placid Lake is a proper noun.