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Jeannette Hubbards letter giving an account of her arrival home. Andrew Warren was to have arrived home on the same train, having returned from Spain where he went for his health, but for some reason he had not come when she mailed her letter although he had telegraphed he would be there

Wednesday 23. I made a sketch, a recollection of the tone of yesterday's landscape, this morning, after boxing up some jelly for Gussie for Dwight to take home with him. It has been a very hot day. Received a letter from Gertrude which ought to have reached me yesterday, but went to [[T?]] by mistake. She is better than she has been but is not well and I am not a little anxious about her. Julia Dillon has just received a letter from Jeannett announcing that Andrew Warren died a week after his arrival home. Poor fellow. His ill success as an artist and his fondness for a wandering life may have been largely due to his poor health, one critices often without knowing by what irresistible impulses people are driven. Wrote to Gertrude.  

Thursday 24. Dwight left for home today by the propeller to Newark where he is to take the brig for Hillsboro. He was very much affected when he bade us good bye and quite broke down. Miss Lee from Boston and Mrs. Jno. McEntee came over and played croquet and took tea with us. I painted a small sketch of Stoke Pogis church this morning.  

Friday July 25" This has been one of the hottest days of the season although a strong breeze has blown from the south. Towards evening however it invariably grows cool here and the nights are always comfortable. Sara and I went over to John McEntees to play croquet with Miss Lee and Katy Crispell and spent the evening there. Mr. Murray came and Mr. Reed and Dr Smith. Vaux came from Hudson this afternoon and Mr Radford came by the Powell.

Saturday 26." We have had a delightful rain and it is still raining as I go to bed. Vaux, Mr. Radford Mary, Sara and Miss Lee went to Kingston to make some calls. Fortunately they had a covered carriage for they came home in a rain. I received a letter from Gertrude written yesterday.


Transcription Notes:
The word between "to" and "by" is "Hudson". brig is short for brigantine