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Sunday July. 27. 1873. It rained at intervals during the night so that today the country looks refreshed. I wrote to Gertrude. After tea Calvert ordered a carriage and he Mr. Radford and I May & Marion took a ride out on the Saugerties road. There was a grand storm effect along the North end of the mountains.

Monday 28. It has been showery today. Miss Lee left for home this morning under escort of Mr. Radford and Vaux as far as NewYork. I went over to make another examination of the leak in the roof of my house but could not find it. I went down after Burhans and brought him up to look at it and he thinks he can remedy it. It has annoyed me every year for a long time. I have finished reading "Corinne" which is a charming story with excellent knowledge of character and a little too much French "gush" in parts, with a fine feeling for "art and liberty". Now where shall I find another nice French book? I sent Gertrude the parcel of knives and forks she wrote for for her mother, by express today.

Tuesday 29. This morning we raised the flag staff which used to be on my house during the war and hoisted our flags in honor of President Grant who came up by the day boat accompanied by one or two of his cabinet as a guest of Genl. Geo Sharpe. They came up Wurts St in carriages and drove to Kingston where a special train took them to West Hurley and from there they went to the Overlook House. It has been a day of showers and has not yet cleared up. Sara received a letter from Gertrude today in which she says she will not be home for a month at least. Her mother will not hear of her coming yet I read a chapter today in "I Promessi Sposi" and was quite surprised to find I could read it well enough to become interested

Wednesday 30. General Grant has had a fine day at the Overlook. It cleared this morning, with fine masses of clouds and a soft, beautiful atmosphere, just the day for the mountain tops. He returned to Kingston this evening where he has a reception at Genl. Sharpes. The two Misses Forsyth, Miss Shufeldt, Mrs. Adams, Miss Jerry and Mrs Hasard from Newport with Julia and Nannie were here at tea and spent the evening.

Thursday 31. Spent the forenoon trimming some of the shrubbery over at my place. In the afternoon Sara and I took the  

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