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walk down to Steep Rocks and home by the Flat bush road. The snow was deep and the walking laborious but I accomplished the distance in two hours and five minutes arriving home just at dark pretty tired. The country has all the look of mid winter, the snow still clings to the trees and the sleighing in the Flat bush road is perfect. I saw some beautiful twilight effects as I came in sight of the mountains one of which I want to try tomorrow. In my hopeful frame of mind I wrote to Sillech to make me some small frames but when I received Mr. DeForests note I concluded not to send my letter at present.

Thursday Nov. 20. 1873. I painted a little winter sketch this forenoon from an idea I got in my walk yesterday and commenced another which I did not finish. We took a sleigh ride in the afternoon - Mary, Gertrude, Nannie, Julia and Lilie. We went out in the Flat bush road to where the river road turns off. The sleighing was beautiful, the weather grey and wintry and the whole country under the proferred peace and silence of the snow, which still cling to the evergreens in great masses bearing many of them to the ground. They all came home to take tea with us and with them Cornelia Ellis who arrived today.

Friday 21. Mary and Marian went home today. The weather continues cold and grey. Received a letter from Fitch and Wilmurts bill. Fitch had had old Mr. Durand to lunch. The old gentleman inquires for me. Painted all day on a little picture of sleigh riding. Gertrude and I took a walk towards evening on the road to Kingston.

Saturday 22. I painted a little this forenoon but did not feel very well. Gertrude and I went to Kingston in the sleigh after the Doctor for my father who is not well. In the afternoon we took a sleigh ride out on the Flat bush road taking Mrs. Davis who was spending the day here, Gertrude Ma and Cornelia Ellis, who arrived at Uncle Charles' on Thursday.

Sunday 23. Wrote to Gussie and to Fitch.

Monday 24. Several inches of snow fell last night but it has rained all day and a thick fog has prevailed. I went to work on a winter picture which I painted last winter when I returned to New York after the Holidays, and repainted it. I have made it much better

Transcription Notes:
looks good