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It was quite an interesting occasion but the room was too small for the audience and many were obliged to go away. Girard came to see me while I was out with my father this morning. Avery called on me. He said if I had any thing I wanted to sell he would like to have it at his place. I told him I had plenty to sell but that he preferred to invest his money in foreign pictures, which seemed to hit him pretty hard. He is a most unsatisfactory man for me to meet. I wish one dealer could and that a candid man could talk with in an open candid way. I always feel like a criminal and a poor sort of fellow after talking with Avery. He never lets you see that he takes the least interest.

Monday Feb 4. 1874. My father and mother came over in the forenoon to see my pictures and Girard came in while they were here. He has got through his affair. I went over to Vaux's to lunch and on Vauxs invitation we all went to the Coliseum to see Paris by Moonlight. In the evening I dined at Frank Thurbers where I met May Gifford, Mr & Mrs Avery Mrs. Wheeler, Geo. Hall & Gifford & Sara. We had a very elaborate dinner and it was a pleasant occasion. Wrote to Gertrude after I returned, nearly twelve o'clock.

Thursday 5. The weather is cold. Went over to the third avenue and got a bottle of "Barbera" for my lunch tomorrow. Looked at some paper for a background in my picture but could find none to suit. Eastman came down and staid a long time helping me with drawing my carpet in my picture. Called on Wilmurt and ordered a frame for it and paid him $100. Dined at Fijux's and went to the meeting of the committee on admissions at the Century. There were no vacancies and so we only organized and adjourned. The Salon has been decorated this summer and is in exquisite taste. Had an interesting conversation with Prof. Youmans, Thompson, Ward & Church of the Galaxy until 11 o'clock when I came home.

Friday 6. Went out and bought some violets for my young ladies lunch today. The weather continues cold. My little party was promptly on hand. Hannah had set the table very nicely and everything was good so that I think it was enjoyed by the young people. I like to give them a good time and wish I could do more of it. Allie & Miss Brush were