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had a most cruel and article in Hall in his Academy notice yesterday and again today. Hall is greatly incensed. He came to my work today and showed me a caricature of him which he had made, but I hope Cook will not hear of it. Hall has sold the picture Cook ridiculed and I tried to assure him that this was a proof that such articles did not hurt him.

Sunday Apl. 26. 1874- Went to hear Mr. Frothingham preach. The day was raw and cold with a north west wind. After church walked down with Sara & Miss Rose. Weir and his wife came to see us this afternoon and while they were here Calvert & Mary came. After dinner we went up to the Albemarle and spent the evening with the Batchelders and the Weirs. The Batchelders are to sail tomorrow. Received a letter from Raniger telling me of the shipment of my pictures and sending his bill for £10.5.6 somewhat more than I expected it would be. Have not felt well today and affairs look a little blue.

Tuesday 28. Went to hear Lohengrin last night. A ticket for a reserved seat cost four dollars. I had a very good seat in the middle of the parquette and as there were a number of unoccupied seats about me I could not have been better placed. The music is delightful and I took great pleasure in studying Nilssons face which is a very picturesque and paintable one. All the love scenes between her and Campanini were very delicate and refined. The awkwardness of the chorus and supernumeraries is a great drawback to the enjoyment of a play. It was positively painful to see some of those women walk up to the front of the stage. So awkward so conscious. The opera was very long commencing at 7 1/2 and lasting until 11. Today it has rained again all day and I have not been out of my room. The Brooklyn Art Association gave their reception last night and this morning there was a notice in the Tribune speaking of my pictures among others. Have painted on a study for a picture a snowing effect. Mr. Noble came in and while he was here Joe Tubby came. Joe was rather disappointed at having his picture rejected at the Academy and had been there to get it. Gifford dined with us.

May 1. 1874. My two pictures came back from London yesterday with over $30 expenses on them besides Ranigers