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Altogether we had a very pleasant trip and hope to do it again. Bonyer went home this morning and I went to work on my picture and painted all day quite successfully down in the parlor. Found letters when I got home from Mr. Walker enclosing a draft for $600 for my picture, one from Wilmurt and two from Mr Secor also a very nice letter from Bayard Taylor, from Gotha. Yesterday I sent Mrs. Winter a check for my bill $295.96. Miller & Coates $8.06 and today I acknowledged the receipt of Mr Walkers letter.

Sunday June 14" 1874. Painted all day yesterday. Today wrote to Boughton and to Bayard Taylor.

Wednesday 17. Went to New York on Monday to meet Mr. Secor in relation to trading my "Kaatskill Woods" for Sewing Machine Stock. He was obliged to leave town unexpectedly and I had to remain over a day to see him. I met him and concluded the trade giving him my picture for $800 worth of stock which he considers worth $1000. I was obliged to rely almost entirely upon his representations as I know nothing about such matters. He thinks the stock will get to be very valuable and as he has invested all he has in it he shows his faith in it. I staid at Marys. Went to the Studio Building and saw Whittredge, Hubbard & Gifford. It did not look at all inviting there and I was glad enough I was not staying there. Came home in the 3.40 train. Made some water color sketches out of the window this forenoon. It has been a most picturesque day with fine skies. Painted on my figures this afternoon. Wrote a line to Sara.

Thursday 18. My Sewing Machine Stock came today. Acknowledged the receipt of it. Wrote to Sara. Painted on my figure picture. Another rich, picturesque day.

Friday 19. Trimmed my hedge and finished an easel. It has been a magnificent day of fine effects and I ought to have been sketching. Haven Putnam came up to see me about making some illustrations for a book of one of Bryants Poems which I have agreed to do. Received a letter from Fitch and one from Mr. James containing a check for my picture the "Wood Path" for $320. Acknowledged the receipt of it. Sent Wilmurt check for $100. J. M. Varun for rent to May 1 $120. J. N. Wilson carriage bill $3.

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