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Stedman went with the Powell and Loeske with the train. Mary Gifford came this afternoon. Miss Coan & Mrs. Adams dined with us. Another perfect day. 

Tuesday July 7, 1874. Painted a little on Marians picture this forenoon. In the afternoon I went out to Leggs Mill with some grain on the buck-board and took Mary Gifford along. Received a letter from Alfred Booth this evening in which he says he will take my "Pine Tree". I offered it to him for $500 and agreed to take back the little Kaatskill picture at $200 but he wishes to have both. Answered his letter and sent an order to Sellick to get the picture. 

Friday 10. Have been at work today and yesterday on the illustrations for Haven Putnam and have five of them nearly done. Mary Gifford went home yesterday, and Mary Vaux went to N.Y. for a day or two. Was half sick yesterday with a headache which however was not severe. Sent a letter to the Batchelders.

Saturday 11. Rained nearly all day. Worked down in the carriage house fixing a lounge. Mr & Mrs Stoddard & Calvert & Mary came up by the Powell

Monday 13. Was sick all day Sunday with a headache arising from a disordered stomach. Rained all day, and has rained very hard today. Sent Sam Cuykendalls pictures home today. I charged him $50 for the Kaaterskill Clove and presented him with the little Winter. Sent Haven Putnam by Express six drawings on the wood for "Among the Trees". Stoddard is sick in bed today with rheumatism in his heels. 

Tuesday 14. Recd a note from Cuykendall in which he expresses himself pleased with the picture I painted for him and thanking me for the one I gave him, and enclosing his check to pay for the one he ordered. Commenced a little picture of Lovey Stoddard and Marian at the table, the heads only. Wrote to Whittredge. My 46th birth day. Gertrude surprised me as usual with a present of two beautiful books Arts of the Middle Ages and Manners & Customs of the Middle Ages in French. 

Friday 17. Sara, Tula & I went on a sail by invitation of Mrs. Cornell last night. About 200 people went and it proved a very pleasant affair. Today I have had a headache. Stoddard came down stairs today for the first time. 

Saturday 18. The Stoddards went home by the noon train. He had so far recovered as to be able to walk quite comfortably. Mrs. Wood nee Miss Penfield who was here two years ago dined with us and I took her and Gertrude to Kingston. Recd. a letter from Alfred Booth enclosing his check for $500 for the "Pine Tree" picture which he took