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Union Corners, Jacksonville and Mt. Ross up the stream and across the country through Lafayette and Rock City to Rhinebeck. The stream seemed very pretty about Union Corners 4 miles from the Blue Store. The weather was hot and the roads dusty but we fortunately had the wind in our faces going and coming. I think I could find some good things along that stream and am half inclined to go there but am still undecided. Thursday I sent Putnams three drawings, the last of the series and yesterday they returned me the title page the lettering of which had neglected to reverse. I have corrected it and sent it, with the illustrated books they lent me, by express today. Had a letter from Fitch today wanting me to come out to Merrimac Monday. Wrote him I could not. 

Thursday Sept 10, 1874. Tuesday I began a picture for which Lucy stood for me. I want to paint "September" a figure in a fading garden. I made a pretty good commencement but my beginnings are often better than what I work over. Yesterday I took it out at the side of the house and painted in some flowers and a bit of distance looking over the river; but it was not very good and today I have been working on it making it less realistic. Loeske came today by the day boat and Lucy had a letter for Mary from Hillsboro saying that she and Gussie were to start for home on Wednesday so that they are in Boston today. Old Mr. Tribley who is 84 years old walked up here today to see me. After he had made his visit I took him home in the waggon and he seemed quite pleased with the attention. Bayard Taylor arrived home from Europe today. It has been very hot. Today has been one of the hottest of the season and we have had no rain since Aug 23.

Sunday 13. Recd a letter from S.A. Coale enclosing draft for $200 and expressing entire satisfaction with his picture. Wrote to him acknowledging receipt of money. Wrote to Schutt that I would probably go up there a week from Monday or Tuesday. Wrote to Whittredge and to Wilmurt ordering frame for water color. Girard took his wife up to her mothers and went back to N.Y. by the boat his vacation having ended. 

Wednesday 16. Monday I made a little sketch of Lucys baby which suggested a picture of a mother holding out her hands to her child just learning to walk. The next day I made a sketch of her on a larger canvas and mean to try to paint a picture. I have worked on it today but do not feel sure of it yet. She stood for me on Monday for my "September" out of doors when I repainted it and much improved it. I feel safe with it now. Made a sketch today of a grape vine for it