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The next day we went to Clarendon Springs. In a few days Church and his wife and Mary Gifford came. Sara and Vaux had arrived meanwhile. Soon Mr. and Mrs Jonathon Sturgis came, Mr & Mrs De Forrest and Julia and Lockwood, then Walter Palmer and Mrs. Osborne. We staid there two weeks roaming around and having a good time at Mr. Murrays most comfortable hotel. The scenery did not interest me. Oc. 7 we left for the Laurel House. Whittredge was at Scribners where he and his family had been all summer. Vaux came up in a few days. The autumn color had only just begun. The weather was wet and cold for a time but later has been charming and the mountains were more attractive when we came away than at any other time. My father, Gussie, Lucy & Jamie and the baby visited us while we were there and Gertrude came home a week ago last Saturday. Gifford came home from California and he and Mary and Mrs. Wheeler came up for a week. Major Wilkinson Mary & Julia had been up previously. Stone the artist from Kaatskill and his wife were there during all our stay and Vaux and I left them there today. I have enjoyed my stay there as much as I ever have on any previous occasion and the more I see of other regions the more I am impressed with the variety and incomparable richness of that locality. It seems to me now that I never want to sketch any where else. Wrote to Mr. Ripley today giving him notes for a biographical sketch in the American Cyclopaedia. 

Monday, Nov. 2. The 20th anniversary of our wedding and almost exactly the counterpart of that day. Gertude gave me a charming English edition of Cunninghams Engish painters and I gave her a water color drawing of herself sitting singing at the piano nicely framed which we hung in the parlor. I painted on it and finished it today. 

Tuesday 3. Election day. I voted the regular Republican ticket as I always have. Genl. Dix for Governor Stebbins for Congress. Putnam sent me six copies of 
Among the Trees". It is not well engraved and one of the engravings is a disgrace to a school boy.