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Saunders now hit upon a plan to make up for a season's business - This was to get up a quarrel with Mr. Randall - provoke him to commit some assault, then complain to the Bureau Agent - knowing that the settlement made in such cases usually was in payment by the month for the time employed - a release from the contract - and damages for the assault.

The Agent, however, when investigating the complaint - and finding the foregoing to be the fact sent him to a Justice of the Peace (Judge Carmack) had a complaint entered - Randall arrested - examined & punished by fine & costs for simple assault & battery.  But this was not want Saunders wanted - he refused to return to the plantation and insolently told the Agent that he would get "satisfaction" in Galveston as others had done when it was not given at Brenham.

Finding that "satisfaction" did not come from Galveston as soon as wanted - Saunders finally, very sensibly, put the neglected crop in the hands of his family to gather, and went to work for wages elsewhere.