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Office Sub-Ass't. Com'r.
B.R.,F.& A.L.
Houston, Texas, Nov. 22'd 1866.

Bv't. Lt. Col. H.A. Ellis,


I sent an order to Mr. McLean, Agent of the G.H. & H.R.R. at Harrisburg not to ship any produce from that point unless they were accompanied by the proper certificate or permit of an agent, I also explained to him verbally that I did not desire to stop any cotton or other produce from going through, but would not allow any produce to be loaded at Harrisburg unless they were accompanied by the proper papers as above stated, the enclosed is the answer of Mr. Nichols, Supt. of said R.R.

Very respectfully
Your ob't. serv't
J.C. DeGress
S.A. Comr

Transcription Notes:
this is correct.