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Office Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Bu. of R.F. & A.L.
Kaufman Texas
May 1st 1867

1st Lieut. J.T. Kaufman
261th U.S.I. and A.A.A.G.
Galveston Texas

I have the honor to report my arrival at Kaufman Kaufman County Texas on the 28th ultimo and have assumed the duties of Sub Asst Commissioner: per special orders No 38. Headquarters, Bu. of R.F. and A.L. Galveston Texas. dated April 1st 1867. Assigning me to duty. I should have been here sooner but was absent from Sherman Texas when the order came.

I find this county sparsely settled: the agricultural interest much neglected: stock growing the principal business. but little wheat or corn produced here. last year cotton was cultivated in portions of the county

This county has a good body of land: [[strikethrough]] in it [[/strikethrough]] well watered and timbered.