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Headquarters, District of Texas, Office Chief Quartermaster, Galveston, Texas, June 10th, 1867. 1st Lieut J. T. Kirkman 26. U.S. Inft'y. U.S.A. Galveston, Texas. Dr Sir You will remember offering me a clerkship in your employ some weeks since; but, at which time I was not at liberty to accept. I am at present open for an engagement and should you require my services should be pleased to serve you. Hoping to be favored with an early reply, I remain. Very resp'y your ob't sev't [[?]]. L. Hegeman, Refer by permission to Bv't Brig Gen. J. A. Potter
Transcription Notes:
rest'y = respectfully? "resp'y" yes
"Bvt" unsure of "Brevet"