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Bu. R. F and A L (H 351.) 1867

Dallas Texas
Aug. 10" 1867  

Horton W.H.   
S. A. C.            
Reports that registration has closed and everything quiet - with the exception of Dr. B. F. Barclay - a member of the Board who was grossly insulted though repelled it in such language as to effectually preclude its repetition.

States that rumors are current as to the threatened assassination of the members of the Board, that a man had intended to kill one Mr. Rucker, but could not procure a good horse to permit of his escape.

Bitter feelings exist in that section of country towards the members of the Board & the U.S. Govt.

1 Enc

Rec'd Bu.R.F. & A.L. Aug 26/67

Transcription Notes:
Went forward two films to try to suss out the words that the clerk then wrote on this wrapper. Two remain unsolved.