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Office of Board of Registration
Tarrant County Texas
Aug 10th 1867

We have the honor to report that we closed our Labours, for the week at Birdville  Ever thing passed off quietly with a single exception, an indignity was offered to one of our Board (Dr B.F. Barkley) who promptly repeled it in such language as to effectualy preclude its repetition, we have heared Rumors of threatened assassination of the members of the Board, one of our Board (A Rucker) was informed by a Mr John Wood that men were sworn to kill him and the other two members of the Board, and that the evening after the supervisor Ft Worth a man had determined to kill him (Rucker) but could not procure a good Horse to get away on. Mr Wood left the next morning after the above conversation for MO with a drove of cattle. A great deal of [[strikethrough]] excitement [[/strikethrough]] Bitter feelings in various parts of the county particularly, Ft. Worth, against the Board and also the U.S. government  we have thaught it adviseable to call on Lieut Humphries for 10 soldiers 

We remain dear sir 
your obedient servants
B.F. Barkley } Board of Registration for Tarrant Co Texas
Lewis H. Brown }
A Rucker }

Capt. Harry Horton