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Office Bureau of R F& AL
Leona. March. 7, 1866

Genl Gregory
I avail myself of the opportunity of writing you a line 

Lieut. Taylor who has been on duty in this country for some time & he has given full satisfaction

Matters are working as well in this section as could be expected the Freedmen manifest great anxiety to have their contracts approved.

There is a rush on me of Contracts every day, I now have, I suppose, at least- the contracts of as many as 600 Freedmen- that I designed sending you by Lieut Taylor but have been so busy that I have had no time to make a minute of them. I will forward them in a few days, every thing is, I am gratified to say, progressing well.- 

I refer you to Lieut Taylor for particulars
I am with much Respect
Your Obdt. Servt.
F.D. Inge
Sub Asst. Comr. R.F. & A.L. 

Transcription Notes:
Former slave master and, it was later revealed, former Confederate official F. D. Inge wanted to “undertake to do justice to the freedmen” and bring “peace [to] my section” and “prosperity [to] my family.” (From Dissertation of University of North Texas: