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Office Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Leon County Tex. Jany 12th 1866


Enclosed find reports of this dept. to May 1st which were delayed on ac/c of possessing no mail facilities. 

I also enclose a/c for my services rendered to May 1st which I trust will receive your attention at as early period as possible.

Enclosed also find Consolidated Ration return from time of my appointment to April 66 which I trust will be duly noticed and allowed.

The demands upon the bureau by freedman in this department was greatly increased by freedman of the adjoining Counties to which no appointments were made, and to a degree still continues.

I beg to call your attention to Lt. Bussum note attached to a/c of Rations disbursed.

It is with no small degree of pleasure and satisfaction that I am able to inform you that all of the freedman of this County are industriously and actively engaged in honest legitimate pursuits and all seem disposed to labor and do well, and must acknowledge "from recent occurences" they are much better disposed toward the whites than the latter are disposed toward the freedman.

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