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A freedman was murdered "hung" by unknown parties one week ago at Centerville in this Co. Others have been whiped, and as thus I have not been able to make an investigation as the troops stationed here were on the eve of departing and not disposed to assist me in my duties being considerably demoralized. The troops leave here tomorrow - and then restraint towards cruelty and injustice will to a good extent be removed, and it will be utterly impossible for me to protect the freedman in his rights for without force all is gone to the negro and I must urge the necessity of troops being immediately sent to this district, or the freedman bureau will be a dead letter, and a matter of contempt, and outrages will be daily committed. The Comt is not disposed to have anything to do towards supporting the helpless and indigent until the adoption of the Constitution and an organization of state government consequently the duty and expense falls upon the bureau. I take pleasure in stating one school is in operation and two more are commencing application. They are taught by freedman. Many inquiries are made for books &c &c which I regret I have not yet received. I respectfully refer you for information on these matters to Lt. C. H. Bussom 12th Inf. Cavl. who has been stationed here for nearly ten months