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Leona Augst 13 1866

Special Order 96 has been Recd. relieving me as Agent of The Freedmans Bureau, it was not unexpected, there is an antipathy hatred prejudice and malignity arrayed against the Bureau, that no man can hold the position, without being villified, especially one who has been a slave owner, if he undertakes to do justice to the Freedmen. Since 6th of last Decr
I have been acting as Agent. My official acts have been scrutinized by all the hate & jealousy that could be engendered against the Bureau, had my malfeasance in office been apparrent, no mail would have passed down - but would have brought exaggerated accounts of my misdoings. I have discharged the duties of my position, with what ability I had, even at the risk of life. I defy my enemies to prefer charges against me, and should they, it is before your high court that I wish to be tried, it is to you in person, Genl that I appeal. A simple notice will at all times bring me before you. I have been advised by my friends to sacrifice my property and leave 

Transcription Notes:
Genl may possibly stand for General Recd stands for Received Decr stands for December