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I tell them, no, that criminals flee and I have done no act to make me blush, none that I feel ashamed of-but one, that I think, I have done wrong in, and that was turning Lusk & party who attempted my life over to civil authority, all the charges that I prefered when at Galveston, could be sustained but the civil authority took it in hand on my return, and for the peace of my section and the prosperity of my family, I said stop to the military let the civil court settle it, I thought that course would give me safety & protection from the citizens, I hoped I acted correctly, the future will show, I hope Genl it will not be long before an Officer is appointed to this District, if a Northern man, from personal reports of the Freedmen & his own observation, I think he will give you a satisfactory account of my administration. All I ask is his indulgence two or three months and not to listen, for that time, to reports to my predjudice, I will fully explain to him all my official acts, they have at least been honest if not judicious. I trust from the position I have held, you will instruct him to proceed with courtesey, should I be reported to him, it is