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of our court will show that I do not stand alone, in having had my character assailed by bad men, some of our best citizens, have been assailed, even in a worse manner, with similar results.  Genl look for one moment at the odium upon the fame of Genl Gregory by newspapers, published in the City of Galveston, Head Quarters of the Army, and you will not be surprised at the efforts of the citizens in the interior of the state, to injure an Agent of The Freedmans Bureau,  I respectfully request of you protection.
I am Genl with much Respect
Your Obdt Servt 
F. D Inge

Genl J B Kiddoo
Asst Comr. RF&AL
State of Texas

[[left margin]] Rcd Aug 1" 68 [[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
I am having a hard time with the signature There is also a faint left margin date of Rcd Aug but I dont see an actual day it was received I think this transcription was done properly--J. Schoor- reviewer