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me, for presentation to you, the effort proved a failure & was abandoned. I shall endeavor to collect all the proff in regard to the outrage complained of, and if sufficient to warrant the arrest of the parties, and trial by a military Commission, we will at once effect it.

The civil authority of the County seems disposed to cooperate with me, I will communicate with you more fully in a few days.

Permit me Genl to Respectly suggest to you, that on account of the opposition to the Freedmans Bureau in this section, that you will leave permanently at this point, some ten or twelve troops for protection & enforcement of orders, as it is very remote from Head Quarters.
I am Genl with Much Respect
Your Obdt Servt
F D Inge
Sub Asst Com'r, Leon County

Genl J B Kiddo [[Kiddoo]].
Asst Comr
State of Texas

Transcription Notes:
This had been marked complete with hard returns at ends of all lines and several words transcribed incorrectly. Obdt Servt = Obedient Servant