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Office of the Freedman's Bureau
Leon County, Texas, July 21st 1866.


I avail myself of the politeness of Col. Mason, to forward you some contracts, which I trust will be satisfactory. Colonel Mason has visited our section on a tour of inspection. I am able to state that the crop of cotton, is unusually promising - the corn is about made, which will turn out more than an average yield, with former years.

I am pleased to inform you that the Freedmen, are fully protected in their rights, and are industrious, and well contented, with the prospect of good crops. As a matter of course, cases, for settlement between the Employer, and Freedmen are of daily occurrence - as they come to me, for a considerable distance, in most every instance the Freedmen and Right. when they get their difficulties adjusted, they always seem well satisfied. If convenient- please send me the Freedman's Bureau Bill- that has become a Law- have you heard whether General Gregory succeeded in having my pay for services allowed, that he approved of?

I have been acting as agent since 6th last december - and have never drawn one cent of pay for services; my time has been fully occupied since I accepted of the appointment in examining and approving Contracts giving advice, and adjusting the difficulties.