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Crockett April 13th 1867

Lieut J.T. Kirkman
A.A.A. Genl

I beg leave to report my arrival at this place, & the assuming of the duties of Sub. Asst. Comr.  I arrived at Halls Bluff on the Trinity River on Thursday morning, but on account of the streams being so full from repeated rains I was unable to get to Crockett until Saturday 

I met Mr. Reinhard at this place, he had been waiting for me for 2 days, he left this afternoon for Centerville; -  I became acquainted with about 12 or 15 Gentlemen from this county who were passengers on the Steam boat, and from each and all received the greatest kindness after it was known who I was,

They all expressed a strong feeling to cooperate with me in obeying the laws of the Government & carrying them out strictly, and were pleased that an agent had been appointed for this county -; I found the freed people working well at every landing we made, and all on board the boat who had any working for them stated that they had no fault to find with them;- At Hydes landing I found that some of the (FM) on his place had quit work but one of the Mr Hydes had gone over to Centreville to see Capt Reinhard, and on my arrival at Crockett found