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Sumpter, Trinity County, Texas
March 17, 1867.

Genl J.B. Kiddoo

Dear Sir -  The District Court, Honl Sam A. Wilson, presiding adjourned yesterday.  There were convictions, victims of Nol Bros and continuances in cases were Negros were defts. - On the whole I could see no manifestation of prejudice or partiality.  Judge Wilson, Ex Captain of the C.S. Army, thinks - since the passages of the Military Bill - that he has gone up - and is therefore gone home - he says - to stay there.  He expressed, to me, his intention to discontinue his Circuit.  Said he had doubts of the legality of his acts, as Judge, and of his right to hold Court.  I differed with him in toto, I do not think Congress designs, by the Bill, to dissolve our civil government by enjoining our officers and restraining them from the further discharge of their official duties, and thus reinstate anarchy, robbery, and bloodshed, and so render Plain People the prey of the lawless, and of the rapacious and insatiable secessionists of our country.

I represent to the people that the Dept Comder will hold all Civil Officers responsible to him for their faithful performance of all duties required of them by their oaths of office, at least until they be regularly