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Regiment to Philadelphia to be mustered out in June 1864. At that time is was very difficult to get commissions, as the Government was organizing new Regiments through new officers; so I joined the Regular Army in September 1864 as Hospital Steward U.S. Army, was nearly a year on duty at the Hospital for Prisoners of War in Elmira N.Y. and afterwards ordered to San Antonio Tex. on duty at the Post Hospital under charge of A.A. Surg. Redford Sharpe. U.S.A until October 1866 when I was discharged upon my own request, family affairs made this step necessary for me. I was present on duty during the Cholera epidemic last year and the General commanding mentioned me honorably in G.O. No 13 dated Head Qtrs. District of Texas April 10th 1867.

During my presence in Galveston a few days ago I mentioned to you personally my intention to locate in the neighborhood of Columbus in Colorado County and requested the appointment as Sub. Assist. Commissioner Bureau of R.F and A.L. and I take the liberty in addressing these lines to you with the same request. I have further to state that I am well acquainted in Colorado County and surrounding country among the Union sympathizers and have also an uncle there, bearing the same name as I do, who was one of the strongest Union men here during the