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useing severe personal violence against the freedmans wife, because she could not find a light, as ordered, for them to see to shoot her husband shot him (the colored man), and then ordered another freedwoman, lying in a bed, to get up and light the broom to see if he had killed him, and then shot him again four times five (5) times in all, I believe once in the breast and four times in the head. This colored man that was killed was working a small farm, on his own account, and I have been informed by many good law abiding citizens, that he was a peaceful quiet and industrious man, as the fact of his industry, and working a small place, I should think would show. Also (I believe in the same neighborhood) a freedman, working for a Mr. Crawford was shot some two months since, I am informed, a man riding up to the field and shooting him down. A white man was shot