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Succeeding in doing any good, the mere circulation of the fact of there being an hospital will induce so many applicants to present themselves the locality adjacent would be a second Golgotha, a neuclus round which to gather to die When my requisitions for a hospital go up I will ask your serious consideration regarding it.

In answer to Genl Howard's circular letter to the Asst commissioner asking to know what provision, if any, has been made for the indigent freedmen in the states and counties, I answer none, absolutely none. Nor will there be. Genl Howard must rather have hoped than thought there would be I am sorry he has yet to learn the torpid feeling of the communities where the freedmen are concerned. I have never known them to be viewed otherwise than as a piece of machinery, incapable of tiring, and within my range I know of many who yet endeavor to treat them as slaves In contradiction to the heretofore oft asserted allegation that colored persons have not the philoprogenitiveness of the whites I place the fact, now demonstrated, that in this broad section of country there has not been one solitary exception where they have failed to lay claim to and contend for their children The avidity with which some of the County

Transcription Notes:
2.1.2023 - "philoprogenitiveness" = "having many offspring; showing love toward one's offspring" Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review