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April. In addition to a Hospital I have taken into consideration the necessity of one or more school. The scholars are here but where to find the teachers I know not. The probability of the Bureau's lasting only one year should not deter the Asst Commissioner from establishing one wherever he can. I am myself convinced that by the time the next Congress meets there will be such a super abundance of testimony that the four Million of blacks can only get a shadow of justice through and by the Bureau that it will be continued indefinitely. Habit becomes a second nature, and it has been the habit of the people to consider the Negro a convenience, a luxury furnished by nature to vent their spleen upon. In asking to be appointed Guardian of a minor their strongest plea (in their opinion) is to remark that, they or he, only bought him or her at such and such a time, before the break up conveying the impression that they think they ought to have a chance given them to get a little of the cost out of him or her. In disturbing the guardianship given by some of the County Courts, it is considered presumption to count or allude to the interest of the minor but I might go on ad infinitum without getting any nearer to the end of very cogent reasons why nothing but the Bureau can possibly meet the case, and the Bureau only partially

Transcription Notes:
2.1.2023 - Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review