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L 20

Seguin, May 18/66
Judge Longworth

Dr Sr
Will you revoke your orders instanter in relation to your upsetting the guardianship of the many cases of minor indigent orphan freedmen heretofore acted upon by the County Court of this county.

Your action in the several cases in this county amounts to kidnapping as defined in the Civil Code Art. 515, and law and order must be sustained

A word to the wise is sufficient. 

Let me hear from you immediately, so that I may be enabled to stop proceedings against you

Your obt Servt
(Signed) W.C. Wiseman

Head Quarters, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Seguin, May 18th, 1866

Hon. W.C. Wiseman
Chief Justice G.C.

Yours by Wm Douglas has just now been handed to me

In answer I would state I cannot, nor

Transcription Notes:
Instanter is a Latin term meaning without delay or instantly.