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dare not so far tamper with the majesty of the laws of the United States, or the dignity of the office I fill as to comply with your peremptory command.

For the quiet of the community, and to avoid a collision between the authorities and the troops under my command, I have concluded to suspend action until I get further information in the premises.

More should not be asked of me.

Should you force a collision, the consequences be with you.

I have the honor to be, Sir
Your most Ob't Serv't
(Signed) W. Longworth
Sub Ass't Commissioner

Seguin, May 18 66
Judge Longworth

Dr Sir

I received your note of this date, stating that you would suspend action for further information in relation to setting aside guardianships of freed children of color in this county.

I am pleased with the course you intend to pursue in the premises.

(Signed) W.C. Wiseman
Ch. Justice G.C.