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commissioner has drawn the attention of all the Sub-Asst Commissioner to rigidly examine all the proceedings of the County Courts, and to grant instant relief

Under the law and the rulings of the Heads of the Bureau I have returned a great number of children to their parents and relatives, and inclose you some papers growing out of one case  The party here mentioned held under letters from the Chief Justice of this county, but entirely against law and all the natural affections, and application having been made to me for relief, I had to inquire into the matter  The defendant resisting was the cause and origin of the issuing of the papers herewith enclosed and respectfully submitted

By reference to the original writ or order, dated April 14th, you will perceive children are the bone of contention, and that my action therein has been fully approved  By logical deduction I must have been authorised, ex officio to grant the relief given  If in one case, so in any or all that might come before me

By a circular letter, dated Washington Oct. 4th 1865, issued by Genl Howard, it was ruled "Officers of this Bureau are regarded as guardians of orphan minors of Freedmen within their respective districts"  "The unity of families and all the rights of the family relation will be carefully guarded"

If there is any one necessity more imperative than another for the creation and