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Head Quarters,
Bureau of Refugees
Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Seguin, June 4th, 1866

As supplemental to my answer to charges preferred against me, I enclose an affidavit, and respectfully ask the General's attention to it. You will perceive the Magistrate certifying to be the same party who wrote the letter to Sherwood and Neil, attorneys, at Galveston; and, as County Clerk, he has been Wiseman's coadjutor in all his nefarious practices toward the Negro. I freelly admit there was a tincture of venom in my calling on him to administer the oath to John Mays. There was as little, however, as it was possible to have, - and to have any - I never pretended to be more than human.

I also have the honor to enclose files of our Seguin paper - the only one published in the county - of the 12th, 19th, and 26th May, and 2d June - four consecutive numbers, and ask the General's perusal of:

- "Town Talk" in May 12th, 2d page, 2d column. 
The "Certain Chief Ruler" alluded to was Judge Wiseman himself, the Chief Justice of Guadaloupe [[Guadelupe]] County
- "Town Talk" in May 19th, 2d page, 3d column
- "Tuesday Night's Talk" in May 26th, 2d page, 4th column

He will see that the issue of June 2d

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-06 13:37:29 changed "Sequin" to "Seguin"