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Head Quarters,
Bureau of Refugees
Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Seguin, June 25th, 1866

Mr. H. Sinclair
Col. + A. A. Genl

I have the honor to report all quiet in this section of country. I have succeeded in laying a foundation broad and deep, on which to base future action   I have successfully maintained the legality, decency + usefulness of the Bureau, and have partially proven that had no such thing as the Bureau been in existence anarchy would be the order of the day   Yet I am forced to acknowledge that the hatred to the Bureau and to the dominant party that created and keeps it in existence is as deep as ever

The above may seem a paradox, but it is all nevertheless so.  The quietness is the growing out of helplessness;  it is not an acquiescence. The foundation laid and the respect for my proceedings extorted out of the people I had to labor for, as man scarcely ever labored before   I am here, prepared and able to defend the institution and my action under it against all comers   My office is a court in the fullest sense of the word, with all the formality