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Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau of R.F. & A.L.,
Liberty. February 3rd 1867.

Lieut J.T. Kirkman

Dr Sir,
I take the liberty of addressing you a personal letter, that I may fully explain my position to you, which I cannot do in an official communication. 

For the last Eight or Nine Weeks, I have been in my Office from Sixteen to Nineteen hours out of every Twenty four. I am nearly worn out. The Office crowded the entire day with Blacks & Whites, a continual buzz & confusion - settling accounts for 1866, Approving Contracts for 1867, and answering a Million [more or less] questions - half the time not going to dinner, and when tea time so exhausted that I cannot eat.  All the day consumed and the actual labor, or business, to do - this take till two or three O'clock in the morning.  It is utterly impossible to write a letter or make out a "Report" or "Return" in the day time.  It can only be done at night.  I hired a clerk on yesterday.  I am in hopes that he will get me out, & keep me out of the grass.