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Cotton shipped from the Love Plantation near Springfeild Limestone County Texas 

No. Bales ship'd to Moody & Co. subject to order of Austin & Co: & to Austin & Co: Houston Texas
Weights of Bales
466 452
496 348
522 488
500 476
500 466
496 466
500 526
530 462
486 518
502 476
516 488
470 490
510 508
472 498
498 474
490 456
504 496

No of Bales shipped to Iglehart & Co: [[strikethrough]] Houston Tex. [[/strikethrough]] Millican Texas

Weight of Bales
528 504 442
494 480 446
508 538 468
550 454 472
496 456 446
500 506 486
502 522 530
442 518 476
526 546 458
518 528 514
490 538 484
480 516 552
496 522 498
464 560 480
484 568 518
484 520 570
408 422 498
516 604
462 459