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LB 85 Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner, Bureau of R.F. and A. L., State of Texas, Liberty, Liberty Co., January 25", 1867 To Major General J.B. Kiddoo Asst Commr Hd Qrtrs Bu R. F & A. L. Galveston General, Upon accepting the position of S.A. Commr of this District I understood from you that the main requisit was Brains & executive ability. My position was one of responsibility & would not be that of an automaton, attempting in good faith giving my undivided time & attention to the duties of my position that I might the better carry out the intents and purposes of the Bureau. I expected & hoped for assistance from Hd Qrts. I have been harassed by Subordinates in your Office unnecessarily viz Papers returned for correction that could have received the correction without being returned over.