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Office of Sub Asst Comr
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Millican, Tex. May 9, 1867

1 Lieut J.T. Kirkman 26 U.S. Infty
A.A.A. Gen. Bu. R.F. &c. State of Texas

I have forwarded three request — on through you — to A. Sessums & Co. of Galveston, to forward a statement of all the weights and prices of Cotton, shipped by Messrs. Battles & Edington or their merchants here, to them, but have not received an answer yet. There seems to be something wrong about it, and I would once more urgently request, to have their books examined and the desired statement forwarded.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
your obedient servant
Edwd. Miller
Capt. & S.A. Comr