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Austin Texas Feby 16th 1867

Gen. C. Griffin
Comd. Dpt. Texas &
Agent. B.R & A.L.
Dr Sir
I planted five hundred acres very successfully last year with "Freed men," had no dificulty except with one set 16 in No who have been worthless since their first interview with Capt. Porter Agent for this Co. Their Contract was to plant on shares of one 1/3- everything furnished. Finding in the Spring that I would have to furnish them an 18 "dead heads." all their clothing and rations outside the Contract. they executed a mortgage upon their portion of the crop "at the suggestion of the B. Agt." to secure me. for money advanced and also for unnecessary loss time in good weather at the rate of 50th pr day which amounted in the first 4 months to $10.00 each after which time I kept no account. About the 1st of Jan we were ordered before Capt. P- for settlmt [[settlement]. we found him absconded to parts unknown. Learning in a few days that it was not the intention of Gen. Kiddoo to return him to Austin. I applied to Capt. Sturgess "District Agent." for a settlemt which was granted he gave me a certificate of the same and a permit to ship my crop on the 19th Jan 67 On the matter of Porter. I was ordered to