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Office Sub Asst Com'r BRF & A.L.
Sterling Robertson Co Texas
January 16th 1867

Brvt Maj Genl J B Kiddoo
Asst Comr. B.R.F. & A.L.
Galveston Texas

Respectfully call your attention to a case of a Freedman named Hope Calbert or Worthington. About the last of July 1866 he was employed with a Mr Etheridge on the following conditions. He was to receive Twelve Dollars for one month and if he and Mr Etheridge could agree he would remain until the first of January 1867 if not he was to be paid his months wages and he would leave the place at the end of the month he went to Mr Etheridge and asked him to pay him his months wages as his Mother and Brother was sick and he did not want to stay any longer on the place until he could see his Mother & Brother but that he might return after he had seen them Etheridge then took and tied his hands behind his back and put a Rope around his neck and then threw the Rope over the