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for about nine cents pr lb nett, yet he charges Dr Love 16 cents pr pound thereby leaving the Dr. without one cent, although he furnished the land, teams, plows, a wagon corn fodder &c and Simeral & Jones then stopped in and got an order for over four hundred dollars in Specie from the freedmen for provisions &c and keep one half the corn raised on the place. It appeared before the Captain on the day of trial and insisted the matter was of a civil character and could be settled in the courts and that the Freedmen if wronged could assert their rights in the case pending, that Dr. Love and his witnesses were not present and that Simeral & Jones were interested parties but I could not get the case postponed.

It does occur to me this is a great hardship and injustice to an absent man, and I hope, you will correct the matter and let the parties establish their respective rights in the manner that will enable each one to get justice.

Yours Respectfully
A D McGinnis

[[left margin]] P.S. Captain Porter tells me he sent you copies of the several contracts between all the parties but omitted to put the endorsement of Simeral on the last contract between Dr. Love & the Freedmen. I ahve demanded this of him, and now send you the whole matter that you may know the truth of the case. [[/left margin]]